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Why Chair Yoga is the Best Yoga for Endometriosis

Why Chair Yoga is the Best Yoga for Endometriosis

Exercising when you have endometriosis symptoms can be challenging. Doctor often recommend yoga for endometriosis patients – but there are so many kinds of yoga!


I absolutely love chair yoga when I’m dealing with the pain, bloating and fatigue that endo brings. No more excuses for not going to yoga class!

Super Accessible

Recovering from surgery? Chair yoga allows you to take it slow with lots of options.

Completely inflexible? No problem! No one is putting their foot over their head here.

Find it hard to move to and from the floor? No need! Only come down to the mat if you want to. 

Balancing is difficult? You can hold on to the back of the chair whenever you like.


If you find that you don’t want to use the chair, you don’t have to.

Proper Alignment

Keeping your spine properly aligned is hard in many standing poses, especially for beginners to yoga, and especially when you’re tired. Holding onto the back of a chair allows you to get into a pose with a straight spine, even if the muscles aren’t there yet. A pose like Warrior 3 (your body parallel to the floor while balancing on one leg) can go from impossible to totally doable.

Longer Seated Meditation

It’s hard for many people, myself included, to comfortably sit on the floor and meditate for longer than 5 minutes. With the chair available, there is another option for a meditation position. I can guide a 15 minute meditation after the movement part of the yoga class, knowing that no one is going to fall asleep from lying down, and that no one will have a back ache from sitting cross-legged.


How much time do you spend sitting in a chair every day? Yeah, I thought so. 

When you learn some chair yoga poses, you can add more movement into your day without having to get out a yoga mat or go to the gym.

Perfect for Chronic Pain and Fatigue

Too tired to go to a faster-paced Vinyasa yoga class? Me too. 

Listen to your body and opt for a style of yoga that suits the symptoms you’re experiencing that day. 

Yoga for Endometriosis

Not all yoga for endometriosis needs to use a chair, but it’s a great prop to know how to use.

Another important consideration is that you don’t feel the same way every day of your cycle. There will be days before and during your period when you feel like moving your body is even harder. 

I have a yoga for endometriosis online course that you can check out. There are different videos for the different phases of your cycle. 


Exercise With Endo

Quick tips so that you can get all the benefits of moving your body in a healthy way, while honouring your endometriosis symptoms.